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An English translation of the 1543 Loci Communes, the first theological textbook during Luther’s lifetime, it teaches Christian doctrine in a clear, concise manner and is the basis for Chemnitz’ Loci Theologici. Melanchthon addressed issues important to his day and ours, including the nature of God, creation, sin, free will, Law and Gospel, justification, sanctification, the Church, and the...

God are the sons of God.” Again, v. 9, “If a person does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him.” These two statements are sufficiently clear and testify plainly that the heirs of eternal life are given the Holy Spirit and also are guided by Him. And it is certain that the term “Spirit of God” in these passages does not refer to human reason but to the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and who has been sent into the hearts of the faithful and
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